In this second episode of Tradervue Conversations, we had a highly insightful discussion with Brad Jelinek, a professional trader who has been trading in different markets for over 20 years. Throughout this conversation, you’re going to learn a lot from Brad’s extensive experience, from how to adapt to current market conditions, the importance of preserving your mental capital, and a whole lot more.

Tradervue Conversations is a series of videos published on our YouTube channel where we talk to professional traders who share their experiences and advice. The first edition of Tradervue Conversations has several more upcoming episodes, so be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on the notification bell so you won’t miss new episodes when they are published.

You can watch the discussion in the video right below or read the transcript.

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Video interview

Watch our conversation with Brad Jelinek here:

If you prefer to read, here is the video transcript:

How Brad Jelinek started trading and the markets he trades

Richard: Alright, hello Brad! Welcome to the first edition of Tradervue Conversations and we’re really happy to have you here and, yeah, how are you? How is it going?

Brad: I’m good Richard, glad to be here. Thanks.

Richard: Good to know, I’m glad. So let’s get started. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you start trading and what markets do you currently trade?

Brad: Sure. I started trading probably or professionally after college which was 2003. I was trading even when I was in junior high school, just messing around on my own, trading in high school on my own. So, I got a mandatory gym class in junior high school and the guy who taught it saw that I was looking at his course on Yahoo, which was during the internet boom. This was pre-2000 when stuff just got crazy. It was  somewhat similar to what we just had with the pandemic or what we had in maybe 2017 and recently with crypto, or maybe even more pronounced, but it was the whole tech run-up. So that’s where I first got involved in.

And just for me—I don’t know, I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin but I always knew I wanted to trade. It didn’t make a lot of sense that I would be a trader, given that where I grew up I didn’t have any traders around me but I’ve been drawn to it for a long time so that’s kind of how it started off and a brief way of how it started.

And it was always futures when I began. When I got out of college, I got hired by a prop firm in Chicago and I spent about 12 or 13 years there and it was mostly futures. It was S&P and euro stock futures, and it was ten years and euro currency futures and events, sometimes even grains and things like that on a crop report, so it was a wide variety but it was mostly equity futures I would say. And then from there, on my own, when I left the firm I kept a lot of that stuff that I still do and then, that was in 2015, to go fully on my own. I got into stocks more, so that was stocks, earnings plays, continued to futures, and a lot more crypto stuff. I tried adding different position trading strategies, so that’s where I am today.

So it’s a mix of a lot of things that I have learned over the years, and trying to kind of fit in whatever strategies that make the most sense within the environment, which isn’t really something I could do when I first started because I didn’t know a lot of what I did and didn’t know as time has gone on, you pick up more skill set as you’re in the game longer. But I would say that the idea of how I trade and how I think about it is the same across all the instruments and timeframes generally speaking.

Richard: That’s very interesting. So you have been around trading for quite a while now. It should be, how much, like around twenty years, something like that?

Brad: Yeah, around twenty years, which makes me feel like an old man. I turned forty one on April 6th so I guess, 20 years—Wow! Yeah, so 20 years.

Richard: That’s an interesting thing that you’re mentioning, like different markets and different products as well. I think that’s something—well, in my opinion I believe that’s something that comes with time and it definitely shows how experienced you are. You mentioned 12 years in the proprietary trading space?

Brad: Yeah, 12 or 13 years.

Richard: Wow, interesting.

Brad Jelinek’s trading edge

Richard: And so Brad, at this point how would you best describe your edge? Like currently what are you looking at, what is your approach in the market? I know from off-the-record conversations that you gravitate towards where the action is if you will. But as for now, what are you looking at and what are you trading mostly?

Brad: Yeah, I’ll probably answer this question in a long-winded way because I think it’s a very good question and a very difficult question. I feel like trading is each person’s art, kind of like an expression of that art, and everyone’s gonna be different. And we can look at things that good traders do and things that losing traders do, which everyone can read about in a book or a chat forum.

But when you look at your edge, I mean for me, it’s an obsessive desire to do this from a young age and deep down knowing that I’m gonna figure this out no matter what. So, on the ultimate level, that was the edge. It was just “there is plan A and there is no plan B”. I’ll learn from whoever, I’ll go anywhere, I’ll try anything, and there is really no quit. Even though at times you feel like you want to quit, there will always be eventually a positive solution when your desire runs that deep.

So that’s my ultimate edge, but specifically in terms of trading you have to have things that work on a day-to-day basis or a month-to-month basis. I would say you can look at it similar to how a general would operate in a different battle, or a coach who would assess different teams that you’re playing, or even like a scout who would look at a talent that’s gonna be drafted to be a pro. You look at these examples and every time you do something that is a little bit different but it rhymes.

And I think the longer you do it, you have an idea of how to prepare, you have an idea of what to watch out for because you have seen something similar before. And then, it’s kinda mixed in, that preparation that comes with experience.

There is this unique thing that you probably do well that you gravitate towards and, you know, I used to sit next to a guy who was really good at fading. He would fade the trend and is very accurate and very good at taking his losers and had a great career doing it. But he would never recommend anyone learn that way. And most people who would do that, they would lose their money. So I guess my point is that there is no “way” to do it, there is only the way that you can do it and it’s very hard to figure that out without trying a lot of things in the beginning.

So when you asked the question of “what is your edge?” it becomes this culmination of experience, desire, preparation, and I think most of all, after the desire piece, which is kind of the big picture thing, most of all is just to really know yourself and knowing what you’ve done well in the past and how you recapture that.

For me, I’m curious about new trends, I’m always looking, digging, and buying things first. I have a lot of newsletters, Twitter feeds and following, and I’m always sticking to what’s new, so that’s been a good source of finding things for me.

Another thing I do is I look at all the stupid news where there is a trend in the market that comes back, something that’s not really related to the trend. I study those and I use those across multiple timeframes. So adding that stuff up, collecting examples, studying them, I start deciphering things that hurt me and focus more on the things I’m strong at. And then when I learn something new, I go through the whole process again of “does it fit what I want to do?”. And that changes because when I first started, all I wanted to do is to make money in any way possible, there was no time limit, no constraints.

But as I got older, I got two kids,and I have more capital, and I have freedom, so I pick and choose more. What can I do now to scale the most? What can I do to make the most money with the least amount of stress? Even though I am a junkie and I enjoy being here, there is a limit to that being productive. You can almost, I think, more with less. It’s almost like sitting in the background and waiting for the market to pull me in works better than me trying to trade. So I don’t know if there is a line you can take that describes the edge exactly but I think if you can add everything up you kinda get the idea.

Richard: Yeah, so that’s an interesting response to that question. And so I’m curious to know how you got to that conclusion that your edge ultimately comes from a psychological aspect? And correct me if I’m wrong but that’s the kind of idea I’m getting. How did you come to that conclusion?

Brad: Well, it’s kind of this simple thing I read in a market book, one fella—I forget his name, something [Steve] Clark—said it was “do more of what works and less of what doesn’t” and it’s very simple. And it starts with “what’s working for me?”. I had to break it down, even go back to ask my parents “When I was a kid, what did I want to do naturally? What was I drawn to?”. I kinda reverse-engineered a lot of my winning trades and thought about “why is this working?” and then I figured out that I like to be ahead of narratives and stories, and I’m pretty curious that way, knowing that charts and the technicals, they line up with something I think I, early on, get a lot of conviction and trade a lot bigger.

And the same thing with the stupid news stuff, and it’s not just those things, there is trading around big levels. So sometimes I’ll trade in the short term around big levels that are on higher time frames and I have an idea—there are events, we just had some good trade in CPI that I talk about in my podcast.

So there is the game theory aspect in index futures in terms of what people expect and then they get stuck. Why are they stuck? That means it’s gonna move the other way and figuring that out. I’ve had a lot of experience doing those trades, so I kinda have a catalog in my brain of how to think that way, so that opens up another can of worms of trades I can get into.

And these things were just slowly picked up over time so it’s more of, I mean I guess it’s kind of psychological but it’s hard to automate what I do. It’s more of a human strategy, an open-world strategy I guess is what you would call it. It’s less of “I can have a machine do it”,  which I like actually because it’s hard to program something like a stupid news headline that we don’t see coming or people reacting to a number in a way no one saw possible before. These are hard things to program which gives a human being an edge. So I like to stay focused on those areas because they’re gonna endure, they’re not gonna go away.

Richard: Definitely. Yeah, I know it sounds like, uh, you’re touching on the part that’s it’s more of an art than a science if that makes any sense.

Brad: Yeah.

Richard: That’s super interesting.

How Brad adapts to the current market conditions

Richard: And so, moving into another subject. I think we can both agree, Brad, that these market conditions that we’re currently going through, they’re very different from 2020 and 2021. And things have changed significantly and some traders that I know—I don’t know your case, but I can see it on the social media space, I can see it from other traders: they’re currently struggling to adapt to these market conditions. So what’s your take on that and what opinions do you have on that? And how would you normally approach this type of scenario?

Brad: This is one of the difficult things about trading and I think this causes people a lot of pain. I think when you’re new and you make a lot of money, even if you don’t want to think about it intellectually, you know it’ll change. I think you get caught up in that euphoria and it feels good, but there’s another side to that. There’s keeping that money and then there is how do you make money when it changes? 2020 was great for day trading for those of you who do that, or short or trade index futures or ETF leverage futures.

When it crashed and then we had a lot of long, only trading on the other side, which a lot of people did well with earnings trading, just ride the market back up. Then it got really goofy and people started throwing money around in crypto and electric vehicle stocks and solar. And you saw the meme stocks and Reddit stuff and free trading and we got the pendulum slung really far.

And then 2021 mutated into a kind of half-and-half year and we saw part of that period when it cracked and we got a taste of “Wow, this is what it feels like when they take 50% out of something in a month and a half, it’s really painful”.

After that, we’ve gone into 2022 with that kind of environment persisting and it’s really difficult if you traded well from the long side and that worked for you. It’s “How quickly can you switch to understand that the market is not behaving the way it used to and preserving money, and figure out how you make money now?”.

So for me it’s short-term trading right now. It’s less overnight holding, it’s an awareness that things could be overvalued. Naturally, the pendulum will swing hard one way and hard the other way in the bigger picture.

So with people staying at home, spending money from the government and trading for free, I think that there is a price to pay for that and we’re seeing it now and—I don’t want to predict, I know—but it would not surprise me if we saw that play out on the other side too. So I think there are gonna be really big opportunities for short-term trading, and I think some of the swing stuff is going to come back too, it always comes back, it’s just a matter of “Can you handle shutting yourself down and then learning something different?”. And that’s happening.

Some people just trade what they’re good at; they don’t want to learn something different, they just wait for their conditions to come back. And that’s fine, you can do that. How I’m adapting is to understand that long-only stuff is not working as well right now. And people are conditioned to do that and only that, especially the new group that came in the last few years, and those of us who have been around longer have seen the other side of it, and—I don’t know, it’s also that we that we have very high negativity right now so it’s hard to go out when you have a lot of negativity too.

So, for me it just means I’m staying a little shorter term, during the day mostly, which isn’t my ultimate preference but I think it makes the most sense right now. And I’m happy getting back to more swinging and business trading when it sets up. But I haven’t really seen that set up yet to this point.

Richard: Yeah, I know. I do agree, and it kinda all started in, like you mentioned, in 2020 was a great year to be swinging on the upside. 2021 was kinda half-and-a-half, like the last half was moving sideways mostly. And then it all kind of cracks when, in December 2021, the term “transitory inflation” from the Central Bank was brought up. That’s when things changed. And now you have all the political tensions with the war and invasion. Yeah, I do agree that markets have changed very drastically since the pandemic, which I think was kind of like a moment in history to pinpoint.

Brad’s advice for struggling traders

Richard: But Bradford, those traders that started to trade during the pandemic or after that crash of the pandemic and are struggling right now. What would you suggest they do?

Brad: First of all, preserve your capital. Do less harm is number one. Number two is you start to try new things in small size and you start to figure out “Is there another strategy I can add?”. And for me, it’s trading during the day and that happens to be a skill set I spent 10 or 12 years developing so that’s easier said than done. But I’m sticking around FOMC days, CPI days, days when you know there is going to be a lot of volatility in trading those. And then, not doing as much when it’s slow.

And I will add that there is a lot of long actually going on in coal, in oil, in gold. So there are things I’m sure all those traders who are swinging and position trading are doing fine right now. So there is stuff to. I’m kinda referencing growth stock traders, because most people trade growth stocks and own position trades. That’s what I was referring to, but there are things going on in those other areas. I think one of the things when you’re new is the pain and suffering of this is usually your risk management teacher.

And for me, at least, I had some nice profits I got back at the end of 2021 in my crypto trading and I think a lot of it is just a reinforcement of: it’s this much above the 50-day moving average. Do you have a big position? How are you going to feel if it comes back? Are you going to add? Are you going to panic? If you’re going to panic and have a meltdown, you need to take some off now.

You need to have really good rules.

When you’re trading two days to two months, if the position is a little bit of both, you have to really, clearly specify what you’re gonna do with each piece and when, or else what happens is you get lulled into complacency when you’re in some quiet days, and you forget what you’re doing and then it hits you in the face.

So those are the kind of lessons I picked up. But I think for newer traders, it’s just, this is where you’re hanging around, and you try some stuff and you do it small. And I think, psychologically, it might feel terrible, but financially if you’re doing it small, it’s really of no consequence. So it’s learning time. It really is. My friends who day trade futures have been doing great in the last few months. My friends who trade growth stock are struggling and are frustrated. And there is always someone who doesn’t have an environment they like. You can’t be good at all of them, but you can use these times to cut down and learn, and you just learn more about yourself and try to do less damage. It’s not very fun to hear that but that’s what I would do with it.

Richard: Yeah, and I do agree. We have had conversations around this, like having different tool sets for different scenarios. So yeah, I mean, being open enough to learn different approaches even if it feels psychologically uncomfortable in the beginning. It’s something you add to your tool set and, eventually, you have a similar scenario happening, and you can definitely use your tool and trade a different market. That’s really good advice, Brad.

What Brad Jelinek does to improve as a trader

Richard: So, getting a little bit more into the trader mindset, the growth mindset if you will, I know you’re pretty big on this as well. So what do you do you do on a daily, weekly basis, or on a constant basis, in order to improve as a trader?

Brad: Real quick, before I get to that, I just want to add: I just finished a Rickson Gracie jiu-jitsu book. It’s called Breathe and I think you’ve heard of it. It’s a life story about learning and mastering jiu-jitsu, and it really had a lot of parallels to trading. It talked about preparing for a fight and how he [Gracie] would often not have a plan, because in a big fight when you have a plan, it sounds counterintuitive but you start getting pigeonholed in what you’re thinking of the opponent and he totally surprises you with something else. You’re kind of stuck in what you plan for subconsciously. So I found that I’m aware of a variety of scenarios that could happen. I like to build a lot of scenarios for a lot of things that I might do, but I really don’t want to get too caught up in whatever one thinks or what my plan might be besides that, because then I tend to be mentally inflexible.

So I think that remaining fluid or loose each day is a really good way to trade. I like to have awareness of each day and week and what could happen but usually the best stuff is when everything goes to hell and happens in a way no one expects. And those usually are the best trading opportunities because everyone is surprised. So I think it’s really important to maintain that. Everyone wants to be really prepared and work really hard, but sometimes just being more open can lead to better results. It’s not that you don’t want to be prepared, it’s just that there is a difference between you being prepared and you becoming rigid.

Richard: Yeah, I do agree. I mean, just sharing a little bit in a nutshell what had happened with my trading. So I’m mostly trading on the long side, and one variable that I’ve added in my trading after these market conditions changed is that I’m focusing more on what the themes are.

A good example could be: very recently, there was a coal ban, I believe, from Russia to other countries. So that basically kind of triggered a few coal individual names in the US equity space and I my setup, my classic technical setup and I combined it with this macro theme that is happening. What I’m trying to say is that you gotta be open enough to combine things and get your hands dirty with things that might not be exactly your bread and butter, but it’s part of what you do.

Brad: I think it’s a good example actually because, I guess, that’s in the realm of possibility that it would happen. I think you brought up another good point actually, which is I think it’s really important to be in connection with what’s in the news and what’s flowing because then other things that are similar, like that, you can’t necessarily say that you predicted it, but it’s very possible that would happen and you’re ready and you have the names and you’re looking at the charts and you’re in the game.

So, it’s like, when interest rates are plummeting, you gotta know that the NASDAQ is probably going to get hurt the most — it’s the most sensitive. And you need to have the right stuff up for the environment. Every environment is going to need some different tools that you need, like in 2008. I was watching bank Level 2 books because banks were driving everything. I was watching the bookers. That doesn’t matter right now at all but in ‘08 that was huge. And in 2000 it was the important tech names. So there are always your secondary indicators and what’s important, like the subprime stuff before ‘08. In 2016, I believe, or 2011, the European financial crisis—whenever that was, I can’t remember at all—it was watching European books and banks.

So yeah, and like watching gas right now, watching things that you know are politically charged and sensitive to divine better trades, and that’s what every trader wants to beat. So I think that awareness is part of it too.

I’ll go back to the “what you’re doing on a day-to-day basis” question. Is that okay?

Richard: Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Brad: So, I mean, for me, it was different in the beginning. In the beginning, I used to plot all my trades. Red and blue ink, I would put a dot in the circle when I’d enter and then just a dot when I’d exit. And I would do it in blue when I buy and red dots on when I sell. And at the end of the day I would look at that plot and I wanted to be proud of what I was buying. I wanted to buy a breakout and then getting out if it doesn’t work. Or I would be buying the bottom of a range. I’m not stuck in the middle of the range, and I was very diligent about that for about ten years. And I don’t do that as much anymore—it wouldn’t hurt to do it, I just don’t.

But that was a big part of my process when I started. It was evaluating events ahead of time, writing down things that could happen, writing down how I acted, and was there a surprise.

I also like to come into the day with saying, asking myself “What would be the biggest surprise today?” because it opens my mind to what might happen. This is when I was day trading more, so there was that.

There is obviously sleeping well, exercising almost everyday—essential for me. And then I used to read every trading book multiple times and I’ve gone back and done that recently again. I don’t necessarily know if that helps you that much, it’s just a hobby for me because I enjoy it. I enjoy learning about the market and talking to others, but I really do think as you do this longer, it’s knowing yourself at a deep level and managing your risk. That’s really all it is. You cannot lie to yourself.

So whatever you can do to understand if a certain amount of risk makes you uncomfortable, you gotta see that ahead of time and not put yourself past that threshold where you’re gonna blow up. And you just keep getting better and better during every drought and knowing yourself closer of what you do well and where you’re going to get hurt. So it’s one thing to kind of nod your head intellectually and understand “Hey, I have a big winner and it’s 70% above the 50-day moving average and that feels really comfortable, but it’s close to my target”. But—okay, it’s close to your target, but if it comes to that 50-day with every sale, which is likely, you’re gonna throw yourself out of the window because of the size you have and the profit you’re gonna get back.

And it’s thinking about in real time before it happens, understanding how it might feel, and really just being close with all that intuitive stuff and managing it and preserving that momentum, because when you lose that momentum then that’s worth almost more than the money because then you spend your time kinda picking up your thoughts and emotions, and you can’t really move forward until you get out of that stuck energy.

So I think a lot of my work now is just how do I stay in a place where I maintain my momentum every day and I feel good, and I’m not in a place to panic or putting myself in a position where something doesn’t work out and I’m gonna be in a bad mental state for a while. And just staying in that flexible, loose mindset where I can handle whatever comes at me is kind of where it’s at for me.

And that’s the next level of advancement because if you can do that, you start to really trust yourself trading bigger, because you know you’re gonna cover your risk and not put yourself in a position where it’s just not good for you.

Richard: Yeah, I know, it sounds like, and correct me if I’m wrong, you’re taking care of your financial capital but you’re also taking care of your mental capital at the same time because, you know, you want to have that resource available whenever good opportunities arise and you can hit it hard basically.

Brad: Definitely.

Richard: Yeah, I know, that’s really interesting Brad.

Best practices from traders at proprietary firms

Richard: So, you did mention at the beginning that you were in a prop trading space for 13 years, so can you share with us maybe a little bit of the best practices that you saw from other traders there? Like good traders at prop firms. Maybe a few things they were doing that actually improved their trading.

Brad: Yeah. The plotting of the trade was really great. For me, I found out who was good at it pretty quickly, who were the better traders. And then just picking their brains, I would actually ask for their trade and plot it myself to see where they bought and sold. I would ask why it happened. I really wanted to know the thinking process behind something, like I see you’re buying less and losing, but there is a huge move after in the direction that you’re buying. Like, what did you see to feel that ahead of time? What were you thinking about?

And I would get responses like “Well, I noticed that the banks were pulling us down but nothing else wanted to go down, and everyone was negative about the report yesterday which was expected, and it kinda made me figure where we were gonna rally today” and I said “Okay”. And I would just learn the thing like that, understanding positioning, understanding why people are doing things.

That was the biggest thing that I picked up, and one of the guys I sat next to was really successful. I would see him sometimes tie his biggest ties in the day on long, at the height of the day, which ended up being the high, and then bullish, and then end up flipping and being short, quickly, and then having a great trade or a series of trades when you thought it was bullish. And that’s why short-term things change so quickly. You have to be thinking about all these things that [you] can hardly even tell the person next to you about. It’s hard when you’re trying to explain to someone what you’re seeing in the short term at least.

Position trading is a little different; a different skill set. It’s been tough to try to learn that along with the stuff that I used to do and that I still do—my first skill set I guess. It’s very different, kind of like running a one hundred versus running a mile or something like that. Different training, different muscles for stamina, and just observing others who are successful. And that’s something that, when you’re virtual, is harder to recapture.

So the job is to figure out how do you recapture that from people? How do you find out if someone made a series of big trades or if you’re thinking about something in a way that’s unique? How can you take a piece of that for yourself and maybe learn about? And that’s going to take some digging and networking and some work. And you just have to be scrappy. I was relentless and scrappy. That’s what I did and I kind of put myself in that spot where to learn that—and I still try to. But there is no easy way really, except for you have the desire and you’re going to do what you need to do and you’re going to find who you need to find.

Richard: Yeah, that’s interesting. And I do agree with you in the sense that, in this business, you get bits and some pieces from everybody and you kind of make it your own. That’s really valuable, Brad.

Brad Jelinek’s advice for developing traders

Richard: We’re starting to run out of time so to wrap it up, what word of advice do you have for developing traders or those traders that are having a hard time in these current market conditions ?

Brad: It’s emotionally and psychologically brutal sometimes. And I think that I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, this business, to my kids, who knows what they’ll do, but I wouldn’t want really anyone to get into this if they didn’t really want to do it because, as you know, there’s a ton of freedom. It’s the best life in some ways, but when things don’t go well, the amount of personal growth and probing being in dark places… I mean, you could be the most over-capitalized veteran trader and at times you’re going to feel insecure and like an emotional basket case. So I would just say that everyone goes through that again and again. And that’s just part of how this works. Anyone who tells you it’s not like that or makes it sound simple or all scientific is full of sh*t. That’s not how it works.

Richard: Um-hum.

Brad:  And I think anyone who has been around long enough would agree with that and it’s just not like that.

So if you want to be here doing it, then you’re going to go through some of those times. Preserve your financial capital and your emotional capital. One of my friends who is a growth stock trader, he is a really good growth stock trader, he’s taking Brazilian jiu-jitsu right now, he’s spending more time with his daughter and he is just staying away a little bit.

And that’s one way to approach it. It’s not the only way, I mean I’m kind of crazy where I’m always trying to learn and trying something else, sometimes to my detriment, but you gotta be who you’re gonna be. It’s just part of it. Maybe what I’m saying is just letting people know that that’s how it is over the long period of time. And it will always be that way. It’ll cycle again and again.

Richard: Yeah, and that’s really valuable coming from you, who has about 20 years of trading and have seen different market conditions. And also, I want to mention that, uh, I don’t know if you remember, but probably in one of those off-the-record conversations that we have had, something that stuck to mind is that you can be a long-time, veteran trader who had done really well throughout the years, but it only takes a couple losing trades to actually feel like the worst trader ever and to feel that you’re not able to put a winner on. But it also takes a couple of winners to rebuild that confidence and feel again at the top and that you’re able to make it. So that’s really interesting from a psychological standpoint.

Brad: Yeah, especially when you’re really beaten down and it just takes one thing that you see and you feel like “Okay, I can do this, I can see this, I can do this again”. And then the momentum flips the other way. Yeah, it’s true. It can turn around fast and it can go south fast.

And I think personality might have something to do with how fast you get down and how low you get versus, uhm, everyone has their breaking point, and the market always finds the breaking point for everybody. But I think sometimes if you can manage your financial capital really well, but emotionally and psychologically just be terrible, and sometimes you feel okay psychologically but you lost way too much money off the top.

Sometimes that’s a little trick where you make a lot and you lose a lot and you feel like it stings but you’re not that upset because you’re still stuck in the fact that you made a lot but you actually get back 50% quickly. And sometimes psychologically it doesn’t track back to you like it should. And in other times when you’re losing, losing, losing, but it’s small, psychologically it tracks back as “I suck, I’m a loser, I have no idea what I’m doing” but you’re actually doing a good job because you’re not getting killed. So  the feelings are sometimes misleading.

Richard: Yeah. Well, it’s been great Brad, having you here. I’m really happy. And so, before we wrap it up, where can listeners hear more from you?

Brad: Yeah, I have a podcast called Trading Life Podcast by Brad Jelinek. It’s on all the platforms. Also, the website that has all the episodes is You can just listen to them there. And that’s just me chatting about things I see and about market conditions, and just talking frankly about what I’m going through and my journey. That’s a lot of it, really.

Richard: Alright. Thank you Brad for letting us have you here, I really enjoyed this conversation with you, and thank you again for being part of the first edition of Tradervue Conversations, and we hope to have you in next time. Thank you.

Brad: Yeah, you’re welcome. Thanks Richard. Have a good day.

More Tradervue Conversations coming soon

We hope you enjoyed this conversation with Brad Jelinek and learned things you can apply to your own trading to get better results. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, like our video, and click on the bell to receive notifications when upcoming episodes are published.

If you haven’t already, you can watch our first episode in which we interview Kris Verma, professional day trader with a data-driven, mathematical approach. The first edition of Tradervue Conversations has several more discussions with professional traders, so be sure to keep an eye on our blog and YouTube channel for new videos.

The traders we interview all use Tradervue to keep a journal, analyze their performance, and share notes with other traders. Sign up for a free Tradervue account today and import your trades in minutes.


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